The Lost Books of Ella F.Graves
January 24, 2011I am one of those people who spends ages in charity shops looking for an old book that needs a new home. Personally I love books that have inscriptions, I think it gives you more of a sense of the book's history, where it has been and who owned it- call me a romantic but I love to imagine who read books before me and where they were going or living when they read it. When I visited home this weekend my Mum had been to a charity shop in Alresford near Winchester, and picked up two books for me that she thought I would enjoy. In my eyes the books are treasures for three reasons:
1. My Mum picked them- that in itself is pretty cool.
2. The names scribbled inside the books match, and they were separated by a few other books in the shop, so for Mum to pick two random matches is something Derren Brown would be proud of.
3.They are both works of Shakespeare, and not just that but the inscription says The Imperial Theatre. Intriguing eh?
The woman who once owned the books now on my shelf was called Ella F. Graves and she signed King Lear in February 1911 and King Henry V February 1905, so she may have moved with the theatre to Canning Town. I have yet to discover whether she was an actress, stage hand or usherette and I'm excited to find out.