Pressing Print
July 30, 2015When I was at uni my room was covered in photos. A montage
of memories and a mash-up of friendship circles, nights out, gigs and camping
trips. Just looking at that wall used to cheer me up as I faced a glum deadline
or was missing friends who were on campuses at other ends of the country. It
was only when I recently transferred our holiday pics to my computer
that I realised with a strange feeling of guilt that my initial reaction to
dumping the files onto my Desktop was to then do a bulk upload to Facebook and
create a new album. Not entirely a bad thing, Facebook has become the place
where we dip in and out of each other’s lives with a swipe of the finger or a
double tap. Much better than an after-dinner slideshow presentation of various
angles of cactus plants or our beach buggy road trip.