Friday Favourites

February 18, 2011

Recently I've found myself wanting to dig out my old children's books. Whether this sudden desire for childhood nostalgia has been triggered by the recent passing of the late and great children's author Dick King Smith, I am not entirely sure. What I am sure of, however, is that he really influenced my imagination as a child, from Sophie's Tom to The Hodgeheg  and The Sheep-Pig (later adapted into the film Babe) I gobbled up each of his stories as relatives would ring Mum for birthdays or for Christmas to check which stories I hadn't already read. 

The first story I ever wrote (with chapters!) was photocopied by Dad down in the Co-op and then sent to Dick King Smith to read. As an ambitious eight year old, I'm not actually sure what I was expecting to happen, I think I just wanted him to know that he inspired me. Anyway, three weeks later an eveloped landed on our doormat. The spidery handwriting was admittedly a challenge, but Mum helped me and I was very chuffed to see the signature right at the bottom from Mr King-Smith himself. I still have his letter in a box on my bookshelf, along with a signed photo of Rolf Harris. I was saddened to hear that Dick King-Smith passed away in his sleep in January as I had wanted to send him a copy of my first book. I doubt that he would have remembered me as the little girl who sent him 15 stapled pages of words, but I've always remembered him and I think I always will.

Anyway, here is a Friday list of my favourite children's authors and illustrators, they are in no particular order and they usually change between January and April. For this occurence, I can give no reason, only that the lighter mornings make me extremely happy and seem to cause me to want to read books about splashing through puddles wearing green wellies. Obviously not all of these books were published when I was a wee-nipper but seeing as I'm not all that much taller than I was then, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't still read them.

Four Fabulous Authors

Four Favourite Illustrators
Cassia Thomas
Korky Paul

Barbara Firth

Jason Cockcroft

If you haven't already read these wonderful books to your children,cousins, brothers, sisters or neighbours, then you really should. And what better way than to head down to your nearest library and borrow them? Afterall, every bit helps and we do need our libraries to stay open!

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  1. I never read much as a very young child, and was never read to, either. When I first started to get into books, by favourite was The Tangled Spell by Carolyn Bear. I was EXTREMELY naughty and stole it from my school library when I was about 8.

    I still have it - you've inspired me to give it another read! It's only been about 15 years, I guess...

  2. Rob and I watched the Gruffalo together at Christmas on TV!
