The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

May 21, 2011

This book was a bit of an odd choice for me - I grabbed it based on front cover alone and took a risk ignoring the blurb. And it paid off! The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Heidi W. Durrow is to be quite frank one of the most depressing books I have ever voluntarily read but is also strangely liberating and certainly not a story that has been told before.

Rachel Morse is a young girl, half Danish and half American whose appearances set her apart from the crowd. She is caught between two races that are struggling to coexist. As a beautiful black girl with stunning blue eyes, Rachel attracts alot of attention - mostly unwanted-  and has to struggle to redefine herself and separate her new life from the harrowing experiences of her childhood.

This novel is incredibly bold and powerful. It doesn't skirt around the issues or imply unspoken words. It writes every insult and describes every impact. It reacts to every sound and expresses every tension. As with quite a number of my favourite books it gives each character their own chapter in which they can expose their inner vulnerabilities and demons, allowing you to stitch each fabric together and see the devastating pattern unfold.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Perhaps not for those who feel a little bit bleak, but if you do read it I urge you to see it through to the end. Moving and astoundingly beautiful it is one story that will stay with me for a very long time.

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