Ferney by James Long

June 20, 2011

When Grandma recommends a book to me, 9 times out of 10 it is one of those rare books that I will end up reading time and time again. 

Ferney is no exception.  

 Set in rural Somerset this novel follows the entwining paths of two soulmates, Ferney and Gally, as the surrounding hills remain the constant landmark in their ever changing lives. What I loved about this novel is the historical timeline that presents the third element to their romance. Detailing rural life the predestined lives of the lovers meanders through the ages, from medieval times to the present day.

It is clear that James Long, a former BBC correspondent is an avid historian as he masterfully resurrects the dull pages of history books and brings long lost characters back to life. 

This book has bucket-loads of sparkle and if you think the Doctor is the only Time Lord, you've got another think coming.

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