The film!

March 05, 2011

I finally saw Never Let Me Go and I am pleased to say it did not disappoint me. Hailsham was just as I had imagined it and the casting of the young children was superb.

I particularly liked Tommy ( Charlie Rowe) who performed some spectacular tantrums as described in the novel. I loved how Izzy Meikle-Small who plays the young Kathy at Hailsham, portrayed such a serious role. Kathy H. is supposed to be maturer than her years and Meikle-Small really made her character believable without over-acting. Ella Purnell who played the young Ruth, was the spitting image of a younger Keira Knightley and had a certain defiance about her that made her both likeable and innocent.  

Although I am not the hugest Keira Knightley fan, I must say that as with Atonement she really impressed me. From her jealous glances to Kathy (Carey Mulligan) and Tommy (Andrew Garfield) to her fragile body language in the care centre - she portrayed the dominant Ruth, well ruthlessly, going head forward into the role and bringing a difficult character to life.I have never seen any of Andrew Garfield's work before and he is a fairly new kid on the block but I believe that Never Let Me Go has set him in good stead to be an excellent leading man. Carey Mulligan, in my eyes can do no wrong, I will always be a fan of hers. Never Let Me Go  is now my favourite film of hers and I am not at all surprised that she was cast as the lead role. Her sensitive approach to acting means she always gives a subtle yet soulful performance and by the end of this film I was reaching for the Kleenex. 

There were obviously some parts of the novel that they had to omit from the film for timing and at first I was rather sad that these parts, such as the tape found in Norfolk or Madame seeing Kathy dance, were missing from the bigger picture. However looking back I'm rather glad that these small parts are only in the book, hopefully it will give people who choose to read it, a little surprise to discover the extra ribbons that tie this story together.

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  1. Did you prefer one over the other? Have seen the film and read the book, and going to a book group on Monday to discuss! Also, I reviewed another book this evening that I really recommend if you enjoyed Never Let Me Go -

  2. I loved the book to be honest, but the film didn't take anything away from the book, it was just as good in it's own way.
